The house band plays in the lagoon of the world-famous Tonga Room at San Francisco's Fairmont Hotel.
Sip classic tiki cocktails at the Tonga Room, a kitschy hot spot in 头山. 信贷:@fairmontsanfrancisco


贝博体彩app是提基文化最早在美国兴起的地方. 这里是今天你可以最好地体验它的地方.

贝博体彩app是提基文化的发源地, 它是这个国家一些最古老的提基机构的所在地. Themes range from traditional Polynesian kitsch to tiki mythology’s dark side, but one thing is guaranteed: you can get a great mai tai at any of these Bay Area bars.



20世纪30年代的生活很艰苦. 美国人正在大萧条中挣扎, 他们需要从压力中解脱出来. California’s proximity to the South Pacific meant more people coming and going from the tropics. 他们带来了温暖海滩的故事, 柔和的微风, 还有舒缓的, 在轻松的气氛中,一切烦恼都烟消云散了. Entrepreneurs attempted to duplicate the setting, and tiki culture was born. 1934年,Victor Bergeron在奥克兰开了一家名为Hinky Dinks的提基酒吧. 他把名字改成 交易员维克的 in 1937.

Bergeron is often credited for the invention of the quintessential tiki cocktail, 迈泰, 你的提基之旅不能错过这家酒吧吗. 他还开创了迷你饮料伞的潮流! 交易员维克的 may have moved to Emeryville, but the atmosphere and cocktails are still the same.



背后的创造性思维 异教徒的偶像 想给你一个热带岛屿黄昏的完整体验. From the moment you step through the doors and into the belly of an old wooden ship, 你被传送到另一个时空. 经常有现场音乐表演, and there is always a robust selection of rum-based drinks that come complete with a little umbrella.

只有最勇敢的顾客才敢去酒吧的密室, where you exit the safety of the “ship” and make your way onto a deserted island. 星星出来了,但并不完全平静. 你将坐在巨大的提基雕像和正在喷发的火山之间. Fun fact: 异教徒的偶像 is located in the historical building that once housed a staple of tiki culture, 提基·鲍勃的大陆约会.



僵尸村, 由同一个Future Bars团队设计的《异教徒的偶像, 是对传统提基主题的全新演绎. 两层的酒吧带你进入一个提基村庄, 有茅草屋顶的小屋和星空. 你可能想要 预定一间提基小屋 对于你的小组. In the back of the room, you can slip into a cozy cave that is perfect for intimate conversations. The stone walls and campfire lighting give you a sense of being in the wilderness.

第二层是奇迹发生的地方. 您将在医生的巫毒休息室舒适地啜饮热带饮料, 它的特点是一罐又一罐可怕的“成分”. 你不会害怕太久的, thanks to the extensive cocktail menu that includes fresh takes on old tropical favorites.


Geary Blvd 6150.

如果你喜欢一个好的潜水酒吧,你想要一杯热带鸡尾酒, 山姆超市是一个明确的选择. Founded by Sam Baylon in 1937, it is one of the oldest tiki bars in the country. 

山姆超市的妙处就在于它的精妙. Unlike more recent additions to the tiki scene, Trad’r Sam’s has nothing to prove. Trad’r Sam’s embraces its place in tiki culture with a few reminders of the old days, 比如藤制家具和竹制家具, 但当地人对待这个地方就像对待其他水坑一样.

汤加房间 & 飓风酒吧 


汤加房间 自1945年开业以来,一直吸引着大批游客. 那一年, 第二次世界大战结束,士兵们从南太平洋返回家园, 随之而来的是热带天堂的故事. Hollywood boosted the mythology of island living with films like Elvis’s "Blue Hawaii" and "Gidget Goes Hawaiian,很快,每个人都想体验一下. 汤加房间拥抱了这一主题,将提基带到了一个新的高度.

除了传统的提基dsamicor,汤加房间还设有泻湖. The Island Groove Band performs from a thatch-covered barge that floats in the lagoon, 而顾客们则享受着他们的朗姆酒. Periodic tropical “rainstorms” complete with “thunder” and “lightning” make the illusion of island escape complete. There is a full menu of Polynesian-fusion dishes and afterward you can dance the night away.



Established in 2009, Smuggler’s Cove is a relatively new addition to the tiki scene. 然而,鉴赏家可以从中找到很多历史 提基文化的三层神社. Owners Martin and Rebecca Cate know everything there is to know about operating an authentic tiki bar, 而这些数据准确地反映了提基族的鼎盛时期, right down to artifacts from some of the earliest icons of tiki culture that have long since closed their doors.



Shipwrecks and crash landings on deserted tropical islands have always captured the imagination. 最后的仪式 lets you step into that world, with décor designed from actual airplane parts. 很容易让自己沉浸在你的漂流幻想中, 由于灯光昏暗, 茂密的树叶, 用“树”隔开隔间.

而不是你在大多数酒吧看到的传统提基面具, 你可能会发现自己坐在一个巨大的石头骨旁边. 根据酒吧的名字和这个设计, it appears that owners of the 最后的仪式 aren’t expecting you to survive your South Pacific adventure. 不过别担心. The impressive list of exotic drinks will soothe your nerves no matter what the ending of your story turns out to be.



想要彻底的媚俗, 禁止岛 是最好的吗. 各种各样的乐队, dj, and unique entertainers make it easy to pass hours sipping traditional exotic cocktails or the bar’s new takes on old flavor combinations in their tiki garden. 禁止岛 hosts luaus or movie nights to make the escape from reality complete.

You can expect plenty of Hawaiian-print shirts, and your drinks come in tiki-themed mugs. For a small extra charge, you can take one (or more) home for hosting your own tiki-themed events. Keep an eye on the skull rating for each drink you order; it's related to the amount of alcohol. 你可以想象,五个头骨的饮料威力巨大.


Carol is a digital marketer creating media-rich content for global audiences covering travel, 贝博体彩app和海湾地区, 食物 & 喝酒,户外体验,讲跨文化故事. Her work is found in the San Mateo Daily Journal and The Skyline View (Skyline College). 在旅行写作之前, her professional background included working internationally in business, 非营利组织, 和政府. She lives in San Francisco with her family and regularly explores the parks in her city, 尤其是野性十足的迈凯轮公园.